Whether you are alumni, parents, or community supporters of the performing arts, our students need your support! Each year, we work to raise significant funds to support the Band Program, and that is why we are asking for your help. Please consider becoming a partner with the Band by making a tax-deductible contribution today. Our students and our Program depend on you.
Corporate Sponsorship
We are pleased to offer a comprehensive Corporate Sponsorship Program. We offer 3 levels of sponsorship with visibility proportionate to the level of commitment. Our sponsors are our partners, and we are honored to promote those who help enrich our students’ opportunities. To learn more about our various sponsorship opportunities, please contact us!”
Individual Donations
A contribution to the SYCSD Program will help us offer amazing experiences to all students regardless of their financial situation. When you make a donation, you are providing:
It takes a village … and lots of volunteers to pull off a successful band program each year. The SYCSD Band program provides incredible opportunities to our students. But with those opportunities come more responsibilities; not just for the student, but for the program as a whole. There’s way too much work for our dedicated director and staff to handle, so the Band Boosters supplies a stream of volunteers.
DO it for the Kids!
If you’re a parent or grandparent, volunteering is a great way to see your student’s progress and who they’re hanging out with. You’ll catch their performances and be the first to see their triumphant smile after a performance.
DO it for the Community!
Music builds community. Local performance opportunities like concerts, football games and parades rally a community around the shared experience of the music provided by our ensembles. So many community events are enhanced by the addition of musical performances.
Volunteer opportunities include the following:
Depending upon your level of involvement with our students, clearances may be required. Information about those requirements may be found on the SYCSD District website or by clicking this link: https://www.sycsd.org/Page/476